So the painting brushes came out in full force this weekend - and once I started I couldn't stop - to the house's detriment perhaps - you tell me???
So, I started with the front door - pics to come shortly - then I started on those cursed beams. Which cursed beams? The ones held together with cement after the adjoining wall was brought down - those.
Now I know, I know - it's a cardinal sin to paint beams rather than sand them back to their original, glorious wood - but - big but - mine aren't glorious -mine are frankly, rotting away. So, she says with a big forced smile - paint was my answer to holding them together, so paint them I did. Firstly I bought dark brown, that just looked awful, my beams looked like ....well
nuff said. So the only option was black - and after a few "oops" moments....
.....they are now done - and they look better, not perfect but better.
So, then, I faced my fireplace - and thought about whether it would look fresher, neater, brighter in white?
Friend said no - the smoke would dis-colour it eventually. Husband said no - it would make the room look smaller. All signs lead to "don't do it". But I had the painting bug, and it kept calling me and before I knew it I had started....and therefore had to finish.
Not sure whether I have created some kind of igloo in the middle of my living room? But it's done now and I can rest in peace. Or pieces. Jury's out.