I know I know I KNOW!! Where the heckers did I go? Working on this house - that's where I went!! And Blimey - it needs work - ALL the time. If ever you look through those glossy mags with a ruined old English cottage that needs your love - heed this friends - love is NOT all you need!!
Anyway - let's look at some pics......
The living room.....
To begin with it was like this.....
Then it was like this (for a few years)
Looked nice at Christmas - everywhere does though
What you can't see if the manky carpets -and it was time to remove that space eating monstrosity of a fireplace. Someone I think in the 1950s had built this huge brick surround - it was massive and came out into the room by 2 feet!!!
It took a while....
We had to knock down centuries of fireplaces that had been built on and on - the green one we think is the Victorian one.
At one point our lovely cockney builder announced, "I fink this fareplace might be olding your ouse up!"
We continued with fingers crossed.
Until eventually we made this.....
Bought a lovely little stove and kept the original lintel.
Karl tired from all the work.
Karl put down all the floorboards - reclaimed - bought from Ebay - very cheap at only £250 for the lot - but he did have to painstakingly have to remove all the old glue from all of them first. He also put in the skirting boards. He is not a carpenter - but you have to learn these things when you can't afford a professional!
And we've never looked back.
Next post I will show you the other side of the room where we have put some William Morris wallpaper up.
Now I wish I had organised all my photos over the past few years. Good to be back though.
Fleur xx